We’re almost a quarter down 2022 and this feels like the right time to make a few delayed
(yeah, alright, VERY VERY Delayed) but important business decisions. We have some good news for you… and a bad one too.
Let’s take a look at the bright side of things first. AutoPitch has a brand new Avatar! Like you must have seen, we made a cool new website for your visual pleasure, and honestly, ours too. This is in the light of a bunch of new key features we plan on adding to AutoPitch. We can’t let you know what these features are yet, but they sure will take your marketing game to the next
level. So, gear up!
The second important piece of information that we have for you is that we are discontinuing our
free plan. Why did we introduce this change? We took The Joker’s advice to heart. “If you’re good at something, never do it for free,” remember?
Jokes aside, we realised that having all these free accounts wasn’t a healthy business model.
All our free accounts will be replaced with a 15 day free trial, following which you can choose to subscribe to one of our plans, based on your requirements.
All good things end some day and we apologize this unfolded in this manner, specially to those who only joined us recently on a free plan. To those who have been using our services for quite
long, we’re sure you’ve been able to deduce that the tool is well worth the buck!
We look forward to having a great, mutually beneficial business relationship with you!